That's right, Hooking Block. Dreaded middle earth of yarn world. A state between the excitement of a Ta-Dah and the pathetic "I don't know what to do next" moan.
I do have my Vintage Vertical Stripe Blanket which is a mix between a chore and a joy (depending on the mood) but this is growing each week and I am happy with it being the project in the background that has no pressure to finish - just a faithful friend that one day, hopefully this year, will be in the Tad-Dah category like the rest of his friends.
I sat and worked out some maths this morning in honour of the blanket. I guess I wanted to know rates of growth and how much more I wanted to do on it.
N.B. Please excuse the following .... ***brain spurting out maths nausea**** WARNING!!!!
I started with 28 glorious balls of 100g yarns, so a total of 2800g.
So if I have used 700g and made a total of 84 rows, each row uses about 8.5g.
Am I mad???? I am getting somewhere ....
There is now 2100g left, so 2100g divided by 8.5g (1 row) means there is the capacity to do a further 247 rows with the yarn I have left.
At the moment the blanket is 186cm long (i.e. very long) and 70cm wide (84 rows remember), so each row I do adds another 8.33mm to the blanket.
186cm x 275cm.
Woooooooooaaaaaawwww ......
Actually I only need to make the blanket to reach about 200cm so I guess after all that crazy calculations I need to do 156 more rows that's five more rounds of colours, plus a border and that means.....
I'll have 28 lovely balls of 32g left in my stash. Imagine the possibilities .... flowers, granny squares, bunting ... then Christmas .... oh gosh!
Just one more thought - if I aim to do 1 row a day, then I could have it done by 27th of Dec, which could leave me with 3 days for a border in order to get it done for 1st Jan 2013.
If you do want to know how to make one see here for a tutorial. You don't have to go mental like me and do a mahosssive one. I have seen some beautiful baby ones recently in soft colours with a nice simple boarder that look lovely in their push chairs.
* * *
Thank you for bearing with me ... new followers, I don't blame you if you fancy a little backtrack on that "follow me " button .... but if you want a piece of mind as to why you chose this crazy person to follow blogging, I am feeling under the weather, its very hot in Staffordshire at the moment, and if you still aren't convinced trawl through some older posts .... this is not normal - I assure you.
Now onto the centre of my writers, oops, I mean Hookers Block.
I have brought some new yarn. Beautiful, colourful, squeezable and delightful new yarn. Look at it, just sitting there, untouched.
Agggrrrrhhhhhh - what do I do with it???? Friends - please help!!!!!
Do I make a sample blanket and try lots of new squares which will be transportable for my holidays coming up.
Do I make a gift for someone - if so what!?
Do I make something for the home?
Do I make something to wear?
I simply do not know what to do. If you see anything do please let me know! I'm begging you!
From a lady gone crazy.