In an effort to become a better and fitter person I have signed up Swimathon 2013.
The last three weeks at the gym and pool have been brilliant. I have left feeling healthier and full of good little endorphins. All I needed was a challenge other than to be thinner. One that I couldn't get out of. One that needed a bit of commitment.
In a bid to challenge myself I decided it would have to be something swimming related. I am good at endurance, but a bit of a water baby .... better in the water than on land. I saw Swimathon adverts going up last week and decided this was the one.
So, on April the 28th at 1200 I will be doing a 2.5k marathon .... 100 lengths to be precise. All for a fantastic cause ... Marie Curie Cancer Care.
Today was my first proper session with the Swimathon in mind. I had 45 minutes and thought it best to just see how much I could do. I managed 50 lengths in that time. I was certainly most pleased! That means I am already half way there all by myself. I just need to now get up to 60, then 70, then 80 and so on ....
I don't really want to bore you with all of the little updates every time I get back from the pool. But just wanted to let you know I am doing it. And if at all you feel like you would like to sponsor me, then here is the link.
Also if anyone has any good ideas to help raise that little bit extra I would love to her them.
Kate xxx
About Me

- GrannyTaughtMeToCrochet
- Hi, My name is Kate and this blog is all about my adventures of happy living. By that I mean crochet, chickens and cooking. Here's to the good life - and being a good wife! xxx
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Four things that have made me happy this week.....
1. Making decopage hearts for next weeks craft fair.
2. Finally being able to make snow prediction forcasts with my Michael Fish magnets.
3. Spring inside, winter outside.
4. Hooking hearts whilst watching Little Women.
Chickens in the Snow
They didn't like it, one bit.
I think they are still missing the black chicken.
But as for the snow. They were most horrified!
It took almost ten minutes to encourage them out of their home and out for a little exercise.
Ten minutes encouragement and lots of treats!
Its funny just having three again. Don't they look like a gang! Such posers!
I couldn't miss the opportunity to also take a shot of Derek who also looked most unhappy.
And as for my bedroom view .... wow.
I just had to go up and explore the fields.
Slight snowdrift issue ....but we soon got over it!
Up the hills we went. Like kids again.
A beautiful chance to take some lovely photographs.
Underneath the branches.
We finally reached the hills. After getting quite lost in the woods.
Two cows out in the field. Looking a lot braver than my three little chickens at home.

I think they are still missing the black chicken.
But as for the snow. They were most horrified!
It took almost ten minutes to encourage them out of their home and out for a little exercise.
Ten minutes encouragement and lots of treats!
And as for my bedroom view .... wow.
I just had to go up and explore the fields.
Slight snowdrift issue ....but we soon got over it!
Up the hills we went. Like kids again.
A beautiful chance to take some lovely photographs.
We finally reached the hills. After getting quite lost in the woods.
Friday, 18 January 2013
Lovely Books
I know most of us have already got this book ..... but it is delightful so!
I am enjoying a snow day .... with lots of cups of tea.
I was going to treat myself to this book last year. But knew that the person who knew me the most would get it me as a Christmas gift.
My sister brought it me.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Business Cards
Hellooooo :)
Just a brief post before I embark on a super creative day with my lovely friend Jill.
This week I had some more exciting post (in addition to the stuff I told you about in this post yesterday). I received my business cards.
I am so proud of the tiny bits of cards. Despite the fact I am not going into business or anything, its just that sometimes I find I really could do with one. Sometimes I get asked to make bits a bobs by friends and family. Or I get chatting about blogging and need something with the link on. I also need something to write prices on when I do craft fairs.
So ........ here they are ...........
Simple, but informative. I didn't spend a lot - just £2.50 for 250 so for the cost I am quite pleased with them. I also splurged on a stamp .... which I have to keep stopping myself from stamping every where .... it is really cool.
Yesterday I got to use them.
After my aunt visited from Christmas and saw my little table runner she asked me to make one for her. So I used it as an opportunity over the Christmas break to start learning some new quilting skills.
I really enjoyed making the table runner and due to immense concentration and excitement I didn't really photograph all the way through. I just quickly took a couple of snaps once finished.
Reds and greens, with lots of lines, in the ditch quilting and some fun little reindeer's (a red sequin for Rudolf's nose or course).
And here is my first proper commissioned sewing piece .... all bagged up with a business card. I felt like a true professional crafter!
It feels very fitting that after blogging about quilting for family that I point you in this direction ... a beautiful post by a beautiful blogger. Lazy Daisy talks about how she restores a quilted cushion her Grandma made. You won't be disappointed!
Kate x
Just a brief post before I embark on a super creative day with my lovely friend Jill.
This week I had some more exciting post (in addition to the stuff I told you about in this post yesterday). I received my business cards.
I am so proud of the tiny bits of cards. Despite the fact I am not going into business or anything, its just that sometimes I find I really could do with one. Sometimes I get asked to make bits a bobs by friends and family. Or I get chatting about blogging and need something with the link on. I also need something to write prices on when I do craft fairs.
So ........ here they are ...........
Simple, but informative. I didn't spend a lot - just £2.50 for 250 so for the cost I am quite pleased with them. I also splurged on a stamp .... which I have to keep stopping myself from stamping every where .... it is really cool.
Yesterday I got to use them.
After my aunt visited from Christmas and saw my little table runner she asked me to make one for her. So I used it as an opportunity over the Christmas break to start learning some new quilting skills.
I really enjoyed making the table runner and due to immense concentration and excitement I didn't really photograph all the way through. I just quickly took a couple of snaps once finished.
Reds and greens, with lots of lines, in the ditch quilting and some fun little reindeer's (a red sequin for Rudolf's nose or course).
And here is my first proper commissioned sewing piece .... all bagged up with a business card. I felt like a true professional crafter!
It feels very fitting that after blogging about quilting for family that I point you in this direction ... a beautiful post by a beautiful blogger. Lazy Daisy talks about how she restores a quilted cushion her Grandma made. You won't be disappointed!
Kate x
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Packages, postcards, letters & dead heading!
It is a great thing this 52 Weeks of Happy. I love reading everyone's happy blogs. Short and sweet overdose of happiness .... the origns come from this lovely post ... its amazing how things can spread!Happiness can go a long, long way.
Here is mine for the 2nd week of 2013.
1. My favourite flower still going strong. I thought the last flower was about to die when all of a sudden two new buds popped up. Cyclamen's were apparently my Grandma's favourite flower, and for some reason I can keep them going and going ... this one was brought me as a gift in August. I think the trick is to put in a cool but bright place, water from the bottom (not too much, but never let go dry) and to dead head on a daily basis!
2. A lovely bundle of vintage fabric. I order these as a treat from Bobo Bun's Etsy site. She has an offer on until the end of Jan. The fabrics were beautifully pressed, tied up with string and then wrapped in lovely tissue paper. A treat to come home to after a long day at work!
3. A card of my Granny. Post is simply a happy thing in itself. But when it's off your Granny ..... well that's happy beyond happy!
4. Some new postcards to sit nicely by my spice shelf. We brought these way back in September and I misplaced them. I am so happy they are now firmly on the wall so I can enjoy them.
Kate x
Saturday, 5 January 2013
1/52 Weeks of Happy

Four photographs to celebrate the first week of 2013.
1. Two fantastic walks up the Chase ... and a bit of deer spotting.
2. Delightful crochet flowers patterns and getting a deep sense of satisfaction when complete.
3. Another crochet photo ... however, as much as I enjoyed crocheting up these hearts I would prefer a photo of me swimming (practically a no-no) as I have enjoyed swims early morning before work and before bed. Blissful.
4. Bargains .... 3 bulbs of hyacinths for £1 which I places next to my Amaryllis. I love waiting for bulbs to pop. What is the fun of buying already popped ones???!!!!
This week has been lovely. Full of optimism and tidying ... and not just the house. Mind body and soul too.
Happy New Year.
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