So here are the best photos from my holiday. I've tied it in with my Reason's To Be Cheerful. If you would also like to join in with this then please feel free - you can read all about
it here. If you do join in then let me know so I can read yours too :)
Spey Bay
A long expanse of rocky beach and wildlife enriched estuary. We saw Osprey and six dolphins. I felt spoilt. We spent hours and hours here walking, sitting, talking, looking and enjoying.
The drift wood was in abundance as were the amazing textures of rocks and smooth pebbles. I was in my snappy element as you will soon find out.
At tea time we found a suitable spot to make a fire (which the men constructed while I drank wine). We ate beautiful food, told tales and spoke to passers by. My contribution to the meal was vegetable skewers and "smurfs" (four toasted marsh mellows and a couple of blocks of chocolate sandwiched between two digestive biscuits) which were wonderfully messy and wonderfully delicious.
This was the first day to our holiday. And boy what a precious day. Here are the photos.....
A long drive and a long walk
The second day we drove well up into the national park. We drove right into the clouds and saw the bleak, wet landscape which was spiritually reassuring. I couldn't honestly gaze for hours - this was what I learnt about myself. I have reached that age when a view becomes stained on your soul and it heals while you look.
Following the "gazing" we pulled up to a lock ( a lake to me and you!) and took a long walk around the fields and countryside surrounding it. I saw beauty every second but recorded only snippets of it ... the rest of it is imprinted in my memory.
Rainy Days
The rain came down but it was okay - we had a rainy day plan! A Whiskey Distillery Tour followed by an afternoon of crochet and cards and an evening of good wine, chatter and food. Sometimes rain isn't that bad!
Sitting in a Hide
Not far from where we were staying was a Perergrine Falcon Hide. We were so lucky to see a male and female, but not only that ... four red squirrels and lots and lots of different birds. We meant to only stay for 20 minutes but sat there for three hours talking to the bird watches and socking up all their knowledge.
This was another highlight! And the views once we reached the hide were awesome!
On the final day we stayed local
Another long and energising walk in the valley. Oh my oh my. We were refreshed by the spring water which ran down from the mountains and filled up our bottles for the long journey ahead of us, to Edinburgh.
I would never take this kind of place for granted.
So the second part of the holiday was upon us in a flash. This time it was about me, my husband, food, comedy and drink. A good old knees up afair. And we were in need of some quality, laughable time together.
We started off walking up the stairs of the National Scotish Museaum where we could see panoramic views of the lansacpe and historic roof tops of the city. It took my breath away.
The Royal Mile and The Witchery
The second day was spent strolling up the Royal Mile which leads to the castle. At the top before you reach the castle is a famous and very well regarded restaurant. It is pretty and magical inside and was so romantic my heart almost burst. The food wasn't bad either!
The Fringe Festival
We saw eight comedians in total and I couldn't possible tell you how many units of alcohol we had. But let me tell you - we had such a fab time. It all seems like months ago, even though it was only last year.
So before I link in with my Reason's to be Cheerful I'd just like to say it's been a pleasure sharing my holiday with you and thank you for allowing me to reminisce. Cheers to all my fellow Bloggers! xxxx
I'll leave it to you to guess which bit I'm referring too ...... x mwah! x